Discover the Art of T-Shirt Design

Discover the Art of T-Shirt Design

Deciding to print t-shirts for your business can be a great way to promote your brand, but it can also be an expensive mistake if you don’t do it right. Fortunately, there are some simple things you can do to make sure your design is effective and avoid wasting money on shirts that don’t sell. So let’s dive into some tips on how to create awesome t-shirt designs:

Choose the right font.

When choosing a font, you want to make sure it’s easy to read and appropriate for your message. If you’re designing a custom t shirt for an event or campaign, use a font that reflects the spirit of what you’re doing for example, if you’re celebrating an anniversary, try something elegant and traditional like Garamond or Caslon. If the purpose of the design is more playful or irreverent (like an ironic slogan), then Comic Sans is probably a better choice!

It’s also important not to go overboard with fancy lettering: no one wants their chest covered in tiny curlicues just because they like fancy letters! And there’s no need for all caps either it’s much easier on the eyes when mixed case letters are used instead.

Use graphics carefully.

Graphics can be a great way to add personality to your chest. But it’s important not to go overboard with them. One or two simple graphics is generally plenty; any more than that starts looking tacky and amateurish.

  • Use graphics to complement your text. A graphic can be a great way to add meaning or context to the words you’ve written on a print t shirt. For example, if your shirt says “I love puppies,” then maybe a picture of a puppy would be appropriate. Or if it says “I’m so hungry,” maybe an image of food would help convey that feeling more clearly than just words alone could do!
  • Use graphics as an alternative to text altogether (but only if necessary). Sometimes what we want to say cannot be fully expressed with words alone; in these cases, adding illustrations may be helpful for clarifying our message or even better yet: replacing it entirely! If someone were interested in purchasing one of my designs but did not understand English at all well enough for comprehension purposes (for example), then perhaps instead of explaining myself through writing alone on social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter where there is limited space available due

Use a colour palette that creates contrast.

A colour palette is a combination of colours that you use in your design. It’s important to choose colours that will make your text stand out from the background, but also look good together.

Here are some tips for choosing a good colour palette:

  • Choose muted colours, but not too dull; vibrant enough so they don’t get lost on dark backgrounds or vice versa!
  • Use vivid hues rather than neon shades if possible you want people to be able to read your message easily!
  • Make sure all of the elements in your design work well together by using an online colour wheel tool like this one:

Make sure you have enough space for your text.

You don’t want to cram too much text into a small space, or else it will be difficult for viewers to read. Make sure your design is legible by using large enough font sizes and appropriate spacing between letters and words.

It’s also important not to make the mistake of having too much empty space around your text this can make your design look unfinished or messy, which may turn off potential buyers.

Don’t overdo it with text or graphics.

You may be tempted to cram your design with lots of text or graphics, but less is more. Too much content can be distracting, and it’s best to reserve your most important messages for the front of your shirt.

When using multiple images in a single design, consider using white space wisely. A good rule of thumb is that if an image doesn’t add anything meaningful to your overall message (and doesn’t detract from it either), don’t include it! There’s nothing wrong with having one focal point within a T-shirt design it allows people who like what they see get closer by reading/looking at details on their own time (and maybe even sharing those details with friends).

T-shirt printing is not as hard as it seems and there are some simple things

In order to make sure your design is effective, there are some simple things you can do.

  • Make sure the design is easy to read. This means that the text is large enough so that it’s not hard for people with bad eyesight or far away from the shirt (like at a concert). It also means that there aren’t too many colours or patterns in one area; this makes it harder for people’s eyes to focus on what they’re supposed to see!
  • Make sure the design is easy to understand. This means using clear language in ways that make sense without explanation for example, don’t use slang words unless everyone knows what they mean! Also keep sentences short and paragraphs brief because these make reading easier overall by helping readers stay focused on one idea at once instead of being distracted by everything else going on around them at once too.


So, there you have it! If you want to design a t-shirt that will sell, keep these tips in mind. It’s not as hard as it seems and there are some simple things that you can do to make sure your design is effective.